Nidec Corporation

Nidec Corporation ("Nidec" or the “Company”) today announced that Nidec Group’s CO2 reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an international climate change initiative. This validation acknowledges our CO2 reduction targets by FY2030, set in March 2024, as science-based targets aligned with the Paris Agreement's "1.5°C target."



CO2 reduction targets by FY2030

Scope 1 and 2 Reduce 42% by FY2030 (compared to FY2022)
Scope 3(Category 1 and11) Reduce 25% by FY2030 (compared to FY2022)


In "Vision 2025," announced in July 2021, Nidec aimed "To be a top-rated ESG company" as a key strategy and set a target to achieve net-zero in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by FY2040. In March 2024, the Company also set new mid- and long-term CO2 reduction targets, including Scope 3 emissions.

This time, Nidec’s mid-term targets by FY2030 have been validated by SBTi. To achieve the targets, the Company will reduce CO2 emissions in its business operation by implementing renewable energy and energy-saving initiatives. Furthermore, the Company will also work to reduce CO2 emissions across its value chain by developing energy-efficient products, resource-saving products using its light, thin, short, and small technologies, and by using low-carbon materials.


Nidec’s mission is to "contribute to the earth with the world's most powerful motors." Nidec will continue to help achieve a global carbon-neutral society with its technologies and solutions.


For inquiries, please contact: Sustainability Promotion Department
TEL: + 81-75-922-1111