
Our Contributions to Society

Community Engagement Policy

Nidec’s commitment to being a good corporate citizen aligns our actions with a vision of regional sustainability, as guided by the principles stated in the company’s CSR Charter and Nidec Group CSR Declaration.
Alongside efforts to deliver motor solutions capable of making a globally meaningful difference, we value our relations with the communities where we operate and partner with them to help address their underlying interests and needs. In determining how we can best contribute, we prioritize dialogues with the local residents and relevant organizations, based on respect for diverse regional and national cultures and customs.

Nidec’s community engagement policy revolves around what it means to become a socially desirable company even 100 years from now, with a particular focus on the following fields: 

Priority Fields

Community Contribution

We support the resolution of issues and realization of interests in the local community, which is the foundation of our business existence.

Next Generation Development

We will provide children, who will lead the next generation, with opportunities to learn the joys of science and manufacturing through "spinning and moving things" and actively engage in activities to raise awareness of SDGs.

Environmental Conservation

As a member of global and local communities, we will strive to preserve the natural environment and solve environmental problems.

Nidec's Contribution in Education

With a particular focus on education for children, who will lead our future, Nidec has been actively expanding the area of activities, including the long-lasting school visit program to hold a class for elementary school children, co-sponsoring a project to educate junior and senior high school students on the fun of making things, and launching a course jointly with a university to train young researchers.

Disaster Relief Support

To contribute to making regional communities better places for their residents to live in, Nidec executed an agreement with the town of Shimosuwa, Nagano Prefecture, and the Higashi-Omi Police Station of Shiga Prefecture, to support evacuees and launch emergency measures during a disaster.

Fundraising, Donation and Regional Contributions

Closely communicating with local communities, Nidec’s business sites inside and outside Japan implement actions to help solve issues that are identified and that may impact the future.

Conservation of Biodiversity

Based on our Environmental Philosophy, Environmental Policy, and Action Guidelines for Biodiversity, we strive to contribute to the conservation of the natural environment through our business activities, and encourage employee volunteers and donations to contribute.

Action Album

Looking ahead to the future of the regional societies where it operates, the Nidec Group engages in a variety of activities in those places around the world.

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