What We Pursue

ESG Data List

E/Environment  S/Society  G/Governance

September 2024


Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 ※1
Total GHG emissions kt-CO2 2,858 4,750 330,088
Scope1 ★※2 kt-CO2 60 57 282
Scope2 (Location-based) ★ kt-CO2 - - 904
Scope2 (Market-based) ※3 ★ kt-CO2 511 457 800
Scope3 kt-CO2 2,287 4,236 329,006
Category1 ★ Purchased goods and services kt-CO2 2,121 4,066 5,814
Category2 Capital goods kt-CO2 8 28 396
Category3 Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2) kt-CO2 96 92 207
Category4 Upstream transportation and distribution kt-CO2 6 6 840
Category5 Waste generated in operations kt-CO2 19 19 17
Category6 Business travel kt-CO2 8 7 13
Category7 Employee commuting kt-CO2 29 18 72
Category8 Upstream leased assets kt-CO2 - - -
(include scope1)
Category9 Downstream transportation and distribution kt-CO2 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Category10 Processing of sold products kt-CO2 - - 7
Category11 ★ Use of sold products kt-CO2 - - 320,105
Category12 End of life treatment of sold products kt-CO2 - - 1,527
Category13 Downstream leased assets kt-CO2 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Category14 Franchises kt-CO2 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Category15 Investments kt-CO2 - - 8
Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions by Region - - - 1,082
Japan kt-CO2 - - 62
China kt-CO2 - - 371
Other Asia kt-CO2 - - 431
North, Central and South America kt-CO2 - - 137
Europe kt-CO2 - - 81
Total energy consumption ※4 MWh 1,448,027 1,396,802 2,628,309
Non-renewable energy Fuel consumption MWh 268,027 265,802 770,026
Non-renewable energy Steam, Heat and Cooling consumption MWh - - 239,931
Total electricity consumption MWh 1,180,000 1,131,000 1,834,352
Renewable energy electricity consumption MWh 64,000 120,000 143,961
Renewable energy introduction ratio % 5.4 10.6 7.8
Total discharge of waste(including solids and liquids) ※5 t - 124,997 304,244
Total discharge of waste(solid only) ※5 t 101,380 111,993 -
Recycled amount ※6 t 91,842 101,812 95,031
Final disposal amount ※6 t 8,947 10,180 209,216
Recycled ratio ※6 % 90.6 90.9 31.2
Total discharge of hazardous waste ※6 t 11,011 11,473 11,859
Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions ※7 t - - 51
Total Water Withdrawal ※8 Thousand m3 7,218 7,055 8,689
Tap water・industrial water Thousand m3 6,106 6,088 7,142
Groundwater Thousand m3 1,102 958 1,233
Rivers, ponds, lakes, rainwater Thousand m3 10 9 316
Notes and scope of report
  • ※1 Data coverage ratio: In fiscal years 2020 and 2021, the sales-based data coverage rates were 58.7% and 53.5% respectively.
    In fiscal year 2022, the data coverage rate is 100% for acquired locations/global locations (manufacturing, research and development, sales and management)
  • ※2 The data marked with ★ has been audited for third-party verification.
    The third-party verification certificate can be found here
  • ※3 From FY2022 report, the IEA emission factor by country is used. Before FY2021, use "Ministry of the Environment: List of Calculation Methods and Emission Factors in the Calculation, Reporting and Publication System".
  • ※4 Unit changed (GJ→MWh). Values for FY2020 and FY2021 are recalculated values.
  • ※5 From FY2022 report, the distinction between solid and liquid has been abolished.
  • ※6 Before FY2021, only solid waste is calculated.
  • ※7 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, Xylene, Styrene, 1,2,4-trimethyl-benzene, Toluene, 1-bromopropane
    The scope of this report encompasses sites located in Japan
  • ※8 Data for FY2020 and FY2021 have been revised.

Item Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Economic effects created by environmental conservation measures *1 Millions yen 2,549 4,339 3,153
Environmental conservation cost *1 Millions yen 315 459 511
Ratio of green purchasing among office supplies, etc. *2 % 75.0 76.2 74.8
Understanding of the status of soil and underground water pollution in a business site’s property, etc. (Consolidated) Case 0 0 0
Environmental law violations (Consolidated) Case 0 0 0
Number of trees planted *3 Tree 880 1,120 670
Number of environmental classes held *2 Time 7 16 5
The sales ratio of environmentally contributing products *4 % 11.5 12.5 14.6
ISO14001 acquisition rate *5 % 78.2 76.1 76.0
Notes and scope of report

*1 Nidec Corporation’s business sites inside Japan and 10 subsidiaries outside the country
*2 Nidec Corporation’s head office
*3 Four companies in Thailand
*4 The products meet the requirements of the FTSE Green Revenues Classification System.
*5 Based on the number of employees.


Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Acquisition rate of the ISO45001 certificate*1 % 39.6 38.8 36.9
Acquisition rate of the ISO900 or IATF16949 certificate*1 % 86.2 79.6 77.8
Conformance Ratio to in-house CSR standards *2 Labor % - - -
Health and safety % - - -
Ethics % - - -
The environment % - - -
Management System % - - -
Number of suppliers that had CSR audit *3 Case 132 123 122
Number of employees (Consolidated) Person 112,551 114,371 106,592
Number of employees by region (Consolidated) Japan Person 9,379 10,580 10,156
Asia and Oceania Person 67,422 66,893 61,526
North America Person 4,467 4,575 4,583
Central and South America Person 17,767 18,664 16,707
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa Person 13,516 13,659 13,620
Percentage of women in the workforce (Consolidated*4) % 49.1 48.2 47.0
Percentage of women in managerial positions*5 (Consolidated*4) % 28.2 27.2 23.9
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (Consolidated) Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate *6 0.66 0.73 0.85
Data coverage rate % 100.0 100.0 100.0
Number of employees (Non-consolidated) Overall Person 2,568 2,511 2,176
Male Person 2,039 2,011 1,754
Female Person 529 500 422
Percentage of women in the workforce (Non-consolidated) % 20.6 19.9 19.4
Number of female managerial employees (Non-consolidated) Person 33 37 41
Ratio of female managerial employees (Non-consolidated) % 5.7 6.2 7.0
Number of female officers (Non-consolidated) Person 3 4 6
Ratio of female officers in the workforce (Non-consolidated) % 7.9 10.0 15.0
Employment ratio of people with disabilities (Non-consolidated) % 2.24 2.40 2.28
Average age (Non-consolidated) Age 38.7 39.2 40.0
Average years of employment (Non-consolidated) Year 10.3 10.8 11.8
Number of new graduates hired (Nidec Group companies in Japan) Overall Person 278 127 143
Male Person 240 104 116
Female Person 38 23 27
Number of new graduates hired (Non-consolidated) Overall Person 174 71 46
Newly hired employees (Non-consolidated) Overall Person 235 105 82
Male Person 210 99 70
Female Person 25 6 12
Ratio of female employees among the newly hired employees (Non-consolidated) % 10.6 5.7 14.6
Time spent on employee training (Non-consolidated) Hour 112,162 71,154 28,072
Time spent on training per employee (Non-consolidated) Hour 43.7 31.0 12.9
Average overtime work hours/month (Non-consolidated) Hour 11.2 17.3 19.6
Annual paid days off taken (Non-consolidated) Days allocated Day 16.3 17.2 17.3
Days taken Day 9.2 10.5 11.9
Ratio of days taken % 56.5 60.9 69.0
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (Non-consolidated) *6 0.1 0.5 0.5
Number of those who take maternity leave (Non-consolidated) Person 24 22 22
Number and ratio of employees who have taken a childcare leave (Non-consolidated) Overall Person 25 68
Female Person
Male Person
Ratio of those who returned to work after childcare leave (Non-consolidated) % 100.0 96.0 92.5
Number of those on a short-time work system (Non-consolidated) Person 115 86 96
Expenditure for social contribution programs(Political donations are not included) *7 Total amount Millions yen 65 69 61
Total amount of donation Millions yen 39 41 59
Amount of business expenditure intended for other social contribution programs Millions yen 26 28 2
Notes and scope of report
  • *1 Based on the number of employees.
  • *2 Business sites for a third-party audit held jointly with a certification authority: 21 major production sites in Asia and Southeast Asia
    Third-party audits were postponed from FY2019 – 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • *3 Eight companies outside Japan
  • *4 In FY2022, the survey was conducted to cover 95.0% of all Nidec Group employees.
  • *5 All levels of management, including junior, middle and senior level management and outside board directors.
    Junior management:Employees falling under either of the following supervisory roles, or those with a similar level of responsibility:
    (A) typically responsible for directing and executing the day-to-day operational objectives of organizations, conveying the directions of higher level officials and managers to subordinate personnel.
    (B) supervise around 10 full-time employees and/or perform supervisory functions where judgment is exercised in at least two small operational teams/groups.
  • *6 The casualties of occupational injuries per million work hours.
  • *7 Nidec Corporation and NIDEC INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION


Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Governance system *1 Number of members of the Board of Directors Person 9 9 10
Number of Executives who are members of the Board of Directors Person 1 2 1
Number of outside members of the Board of Directors Person 5 5 6
Number of female members of the Board of Directors Person 2 2 5
Youngest age among the members of the Board of Directors Age 48 49 50
Oldest age among the members of the Board of Directors Age 79 80 78
Average age of the members of the Board of Directors Age 65 66 64
Number of times a meeting of the Board of Directors was held Time 22 22 26
Ratio of attendance by the outside members of the Board of Directors % 97.0 95.5 86.1
Number of board directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members Person 5 5 5
Number of outside board directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members Person 3 3 3
Number of years of employment of auditors Year 14 15 16
Basic remuneration *2 Members of the Board of Directors who are not Audit and Supervisory Committee Members Millions yen 136 229 198
Member of the Audit and Supervisory Board Millions yen 41 55 55
Auditors Millions yen 13 - -
Legal violations, etc. inside and outside Japan (Consolidated) Overall Case 0 0 0
Inside Japan/Elimination warning by the Fair Trade Commission or any other authority concerned Case 0 0 0
Inside Japan /Shut-down or business suspension due to misconduct, etc. Case 0 0 0
Inside Japan/Criminal prosecution due to a compliance-related accident or incident Case 0 0 0
Outside Japan/Criminal charge due to price cartel Case 0 0 0
Outside Japan/Criminal charge due to bribe-giving Case 0 0 0
Outside Japan/ Criminal charge due to other reasons Case 0 0 0
Number of whistle-blowing cases (including consultations) and internal accusations (Consolidated) Case 116 125 119
Political donation, lobbying, and other expenditures (Non-consolidated) Millions yen 9 10 12
Notes and scope of report
  • *1 As of the end of each fiscal year. Click here for the latest status meetings.
  • *2 Nidec changed its institutional design from a company with an Audit and Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee on June 17, 2020.

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