Special Feature 2022 - Integrated Report 2022

Human Resources


Retain and develop diverse talent

Maintain and foster globally competitive human resources

Basic stance

To achieve consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen by FY2030 and realize the Vision to become a global company that grows sustainably for the next 100 years and beyond and the world’s leading solution-providing business group that solves numerous problems for the people of the world, the Nidec Group believes that it is crucial to maintain and foster globally competitive talent, in other words, human resources capable of actively working globally. Defining those who have high abilities in the 3P attitudes (Proactive, Productive, Professional), problem solving, and cross-cultural communication as global human resources, we develop talent who can exercise such abilities at a high level.
 Nidec currently focuses on talent management aimed at identifying and developing talented human resources, including local personnel at overseas sites and Group companies in Japan. We plan to introduce a talent management system for the integrated management of talented human resources. Furthermore, to create human resources who will be motivated to play an active role in achieving the target of 10 trillion yen of consolidated net sales in FY2030, we are determined to implement various measures to maintain and foster globally competitive human resources, including introducing a new personnel system based on global standards to properly evaluate the work results.

Materiality Phase 3 KPI
Next Generation Global Business Leader Training Program
Next Generation Global Business Leader Training Program
Nagamori Business School
Nagamori Business School

Developing global human resources

Aiming to develop human resources who will take the initiative in realizing the Vision, Nidec opened the Nidec Global Business School in FY2016 and started the Next-Generation Global Business Leader Training Program in FY2017 to train candidates for the school at a sufficiently early stage. So far, trainees selected from 14 countries around the world (Japan, the U.S., Canada, Mexico, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany, France, the UK, and Poland) have completed the program and are working as global leaders in their respective countries and regions.
 Nidec is also working to establish a human resources pipeline as a system to constantly generate global human resources in a stable manner. Starting from FY2020, we have the Human Resources Development Committee as a forum to discuss succession plans for key positions of the Nidec Group, including those overseas. The Human Resources Development Committee meets four times annually to hold discussions among top management members on the adequacy of the succession plans, and identify employees with the potential to become candidates for next-generation leaders and enhance strategic training for the early development of such human resources.

Promote diversity

Basic stance

The Nidec Group recognizes diversity as a source of competitiveness. In conducting business globally, we believe that we can effectively respond to a rapidly changing business environment and customer needs by respecting and accepting the differences among individuals and making the best use of such differences. The Nidec Group has its development, production, sales and research sites all over the world, where diverse human resources are actively working. We are committed to hiring talented, motivated individuals regardless of their personal characteristics and values, while working to establish systems for developing talent and opening career paths to them and to create a better working environment so that employees can fully exercise their abilities. As for workstyles, in FY2021, we permanently abolished restrictions on who can work from home and the number of telecommuting days, whereby the relevant system has been upgraded to allow all employees to work remotely on an as-needed basis. We are also working to raise the ratio of women on the Board of Directors and the number of non-Japanese officers. For example, in April 2022, we appointed two non-Japanese persons as officers. We will continue to strive to ensure and enhance diversity throughout the company, from management to on-site employees.

Materiality Phase 3 KPI

Efforts to promote female empowerment

Promote occupational safety and health, and health-oriented business management

Basic stance

The declining working population is a social challenge for the world, including Japan. Companies are required to take good care of their limited labor resources by supporting the health management of individuals, and thereby help to maximize the value of their human resources. To this end, it is crucial to create a working environment where employees can be motivated and productive.
 The Nidec Group declares in its CSR Charter, “Based on cooperation between our management and employees, we strive to ensure workplace safety and good health to establish a work environment that brings out the best in each individual.” Nidec’s health-oriented business management is based on the promotion of making a safe and comfortable work environment, and securing the safety and good health of its employees.
 Nidec released the Declaration on Promoting Good Health in June 2020 to announce its determination to enhance “health and productivity management,” and the company was certified for the second year in a row as an Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 (in the large enterprise category) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in March 2022. In addition, Nidec has set up a cross-departmental Health Promotion Committee to enhance systems for health management and promotion, while organizing health seminars by industrial doctors and conducting a health awareness survey on all employees, with the aim of improving the health literacy of employees. Furthermore, in FY2021, we set a smoking cessation period in three-month units and gradually expanded the period to achieve a total smoking ban on the premises of domestic business sites based on understanding the importance of health and productivity management. By promoting health and productivity management, we will improve our competitiveness and corporate value.

Materiality Phase 2 KPI


Ensuring the safety of employees is assigned the highest priority at all group companies’ business sites, including those newly established and those joined through M&A. The Nidec sites in Japan have a safety and health committee in place to discuss measures to secure the safety of all the sites. We will continue to maintain a safe work environment and aim for zero serious accidents.

Initiatives in FY2021

We achieved our initial targets for KPIs related to both safety activity check and remote safety check.

Toward the future

Although the impact of COVID-19 is still lingering, we will continue to work to prevent occupational accidents by remotely checking the safety of manufacturing processes and facilities more frequently than before using webcams.

Lost-time injury frequency rate

Response to COVID-19

Nidec considers ensuring the safety of its employees and business partners as its highest priority, and is committed to the continuous provision of products and services, while striving to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 inside and outside of the company. In January 2020, Nidec set up a crisis management headquarters to organize the procedure in the event that infection occurs, formulate and implement measures to prevent infection within its business sites, and establish policies according to the medical system and infection status of each country. The company encouraged employees to make full use of the work-from-home and staggered work shift systems as measures to prevent infection. To minimize the impact in the case of infection, zoning of business sites, temporary closure of cafeterias, and strict control of individuals who may have contact with an infected person and other measures are also employed according to the situation. Also, workplace vaccination is provided for employees in Japan and their family members, thereby ensuring a workplace environment where employees can feel safe in fulfilling their duties. Amid the expected “with COVID” environment, the Nidec Group will continue to take concerted action promptly and appropriately in cooperation with all relevant parties.


Aiming to create a work environment that promotes our employees’ mental and physical health and help them shine at Nidec to the greatest extent possible, we have a Health Promotion Committee in place. Each business base has health promotion personnel to launch measures tailored to its workplace, while working in collaboration with industrial doctors, i.e., health experts, and a health insurance union for the entire company to promote health-oriented business management.

Health management promotion system

Respect human rights and follow proper labor practices

Basic stance

Recognizing the importance of considering human rights in global business environments, Nidec upholds international guidelines such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in response to diversifying human rights-related issues. The Nidec Group CSR Charter provides for respect for human rights, while the Nidec Group Declaration on CSR Conduct, which complements the CSR Charter, prohibits forced labor, child labor, and discrimination and inhumane treatment, and guarantees proper wages, work hours, non-work days, leaves, freedom of association, and the right to collective bargaining.
 At present, the Nidec Group has over 300 operation sites in 43 countries and regions, as well as several times that number of business partners supporting our business activities in each country/region. Many of the key plants and their supplier plants are operating in countries where the legal systems to protect human rights are said to be insufficient. Most of the labor and ethical problems arising at workplaces these days are said to be attributable to inadequate management of human rights. We are aware that we are responsible for not only human rights issues inside our business sites but also labor and ethical issues arising in our supply chains. In November 2021, in response to one of the ESG materiality initiative themes, “Clarify human rights policies for workers including those in the supply chain, and spread them among employees,” we organized our stance and initiatives regarding respect for human rights and established the Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights. Based on this policy, we will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, and advance efforts to create safe and secure workplaces where diverse human resources can play an active role.

Materiality Phase 1 KPI

Specific actions

The Nidec Group’s human rights-related risk assessment is focused primarily on Asia, where more than 70% of its employees operate. In partnership with a third-party certification organization, we regularly implement audits at our major factories in Asia, using the set of standards substantially equivalent to the RBA* Code of Conduct. The audit encompasses the seven essential dimensions of human rights, including at-will employment, child/young labor, and work hours.

* RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) is an organization established for the purpose of solving social, environmental and ethical issues in the supply chains of the electronics industry.

Materiality Phase 3 KPI

Initiatives in FY2021

We closely managed the work hours of employees, which is one of our KPIs, and properly reported to and coordinated with the relevant parties. In addition, with regard to the management of overtime work, we made it known to employees once again that overtime work should not be carried out without communication between superiors and subordinates by, for example, making awareness-raising voice announcements on a daily basis.

Toward the future

We will fulfill our social responsibility as a company with sales exceeding one trillion yen by thoroughly monitoring work hours and preventing occupational accidents.

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