Environmental Management

Environmental Targets and Achievements


In 2021, the Nidec Group set 15 action themes as our materiality. Among them, in the “Environment” category, we upheld three action themes of “Realize a carbon-free society,” “Manage waste and hazardous waste,” and “Handle water risks.” With a target for each action theme, we are ramping up efforts to achieve the target.

Please see here for Materiality Initiatives.

In addition, we developed a mid-term environmental conservation plan in FY2004, and made it into a three-year plan to address important environmental issues since then. At present, with the Seventh Mid-term Environmental Conservation Plan (2022 – 2024) underway, we are focused on business-based reduction of environmental load and on product-based environmental contribution, promoting actions in four areas, including the newly added “environmental management activities” and “natural environment conservation activities.”

Outlook of the Seventh Mid-term Environmental Conservation Plan

The Nidec Group’s Seventh Mid-term Environmental Conservation Plan aims to contribute to reducing environmental load and realizing a sustainable future. Developed based on the following four main pillars of activities in such fields as “energy efficiency improvement,” “introducing renewable energies,” and “development ecofriendly products,” Nidec promotes activities to achieve the targets.

  • - Business-based environmental load reduction
  • - Product-based environmental contribution
  • - Environmental management activities
  • - Natural environment conservation activities

The Seventh Mid-term Environmental Conservation Plan is considered Nidec’s milestone to achieve its target of reducing CO₂ emissions to achieve the net-zero status in Scopes 1 and 2 by FY2040. This is a clear, specific goal for the Nidec Group to achieve by FY2024. The Plan aims to constantly monitor status and check progress, and share the results with the entire Nidec Group. Thus, we are executing actions based on this Plan, which is based on our business bases as of FY2015.

Number of business sites covered in the environmental conservation plan








The number of business sites







Achievements based on the Seventh Environmental Conservation Plan

Frist, in the area of business-based environmental load reduction, Nidec engages in, among other activities, improvement of its own businesses’ energy efficiency, and the introduction of renewable energies, to build a base to achieve our FY2040 CO₂ emissions reduction target of achieving a net-zero status in Scopes 1 and 2. Due to, individual activities and a 5.25% sales increase, FY2023 saw us reduce more than 10% of “electricity usage,” “water intake,” and “waste, valuables, etc. generated” in intensity from the level of FY2022. During the same fiscal year, our renewable energy usage ratio increased 12.5%. While a steady progress was made in individual environmental load reduction efforts, the Nidec Group’s business expansion, changes in the business environment, and other factors increased our greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by 21.8%. Following the outcome, individual Nidec Group companies is posed to further promote their energy-saving activities and the launch of renewable energies.

We constantly monitor, review, and summarize the results of, the data on our environmental load reduction in the area of “greenhouse gases,” “electricity,” “water,” and “waste materials.”

Next, in product-based environmental contribution, Nidec promotes achieving its quantitative targets linked to the “product-based contribution to de-carbonization” – a materiality-related area – and the development and spread the use of new, ecofriendly products.

Furthermore, in environmental management and natural environment conservation activities as well, we work with our business bases around the world to engage in solid environmental load reduction activities.


Three-year targets (FY2024 goals)

Achievements in FY2023

Reduction of environmental impact in business activities

Promote activities for reducing environmental impact by improving energy efficiency and implementing renewable energy for achiving carbon neutrality in operations by FY2040.

See below.


Greenhouse Gases
(Scope1, 2)

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Up 21.8%
(2022 - 2023)


Renewable electricity

Consume renewable electricity by 30% of total electricity consumption



Electricity consumption

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Down 10.2%
(2022 - 2023)


Water Withdrawal

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Down 20.8%
(2022 - 2023)


Amount of waste, valuables, generated

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Down 23.1%
(2022 - 2023)

Contribution to the environment through products

Develop eco-friendly products and promote their use

Completed with establishing a de-carbonization-based environmental impact assessment method.

Reduce CO₂ emissions by installing the E-Axle drive motor system for electric vehicles.
Cumulative total from FY2020
FY2025: 11,700,000t-CO₂
(A six-year target linked to the ESG materiality)

The amount of CO₂ reduction will decrease compared to fiscal 2022. (CO₂ reduction in fiscal 2022: 253,000 t-CO₂))

Reduce CO₂ emissions by installing motors for electric power steering.
Cumulative total from FY2020
FY2025: 26,261,000t-CO₂
(a six-year target linked to the ESG materiality)

We plan to disclose the amount of CO₂ reduction in the future.

Environmental management

Implement environmental education at business sites by 100%

100% Implemented

Acquire of ISO14001 for 80% or more based on the number of employee


Environmental conservation

Implement biodiversity conservation activities in cooperation with external organizations (forest development, tree planting, etc.).

Promote biodiversity conservation in eight cases (forest management, tree planting, etc.) in collaboration with outside organizations

Support environmental education at the local community (hold environmental classes for elementary school students, etc.).

Nidec held an environmental class for elementary school students 17 times in Japan.

* Intensity units are based on sales for production bases and on the number of employees for non-production bases.

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