Climate Change Countermeasures
Reducing CO2 in Supply Chain and Product Use
In FY2022, in addition to Scope 1 and 2*, NIDEC group calculated Scope 3 emissions for the first time, in accordance with the GHG Protocol, an international calculation standard. These emissions are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the group, but indirectly affected by Nidec. The total emissions in FY2022 for scope 3 were 329,006 ktCO2, of which 5,814 ktCO2 were related to the purchased products and services (category1) and 320,105 ktCO2 were related to the use of sold products (category 11).
To promote Scope 3 reduction, NIDEC is working to calculate each product's CO2 emissions and will use the information to guide future product design and look for opportunities related to the supply chain.
*Scope 1: direct emissions owned or controlled by a company, Scope 2: indirect emissions from the purchased electricity production.
In March 2024, we set new mid- to long-term targets for reducing CO2 emissions. The mid-term targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an international climate change initiative. We also underwent third-party verification regarding CO2 emissions.
Press release regarding new reduction target setting is here
Press release regarding SBTi validation is here
Third party verification report is here
Scope 3 GHG emissions in FY2022 [kt-CO2] |
Category division |
Actual value |
Total Scope3 emission |
329,006 |
Category 1 |
Purchased goods and services |
5,814 |
Category 2 |
Capital goods |
396 |
Category 3 |
Fuel and energy related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) |
207 |
Category 4 |
Upstream transportation and distribution |
840 |
Category 5 |
Waste generated in operations |
17 |
Category 6 |
Business travel |
13 |
Category 7 |
Employee commuting |
72 |
Category 8 |
Upstream leased assets |
Including Scope1 |
Category 9 |
Downstream transportation and distribution |
Not relevant |
Category 10 |
Processing of sold products |
7 |
Category 11 |
Use of sold products |
320,105 |
Category 12 |
End-of-life treatment of sold products |
518 |
Category 13 |
Downstream leased assets |
Not relevant |
Category 14 |
Franchises |
Not relevant |
Category 15 |
Investments |
8 |