Environmental Management

Medium-term Environmental Conservation Plan

Progress of initiatives in the 7th Medium-Term Plan for Environmental Conservation Activities

In the 7th Mid-term Plan (FY2022-2024), we promote initiatives in four frameworks, including environmental management activities and natural environment conservation activities, centered on reducing the environmental impact of our business and contributing to the environment through our products. First, we are establishing a foundation for transiting our business activities to carbon-neutral by FY 2040 through activities by mainly improving the energy efficiency of our own business and implementing renewable energy in terms of reducing the environmental impact of our business. In FY2022, we reduced greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2), electricity consumption, water intake, and waste and valuables generation around 10% compared to FY 2021 in the intensity unit due to the impact of 17% increase in sales compared to the previous fiscal year in addition to each activity. On the other hand, the renewable energy consumption rate was 10.4%. We have monitored and reviewed greenhouse gases, electricity, water, and waste to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities. (Environmental performance). We will continue to conduct field surveys and analysis at each of our main bases, as well as share best practices and promote improvement activities.

Second, we will work to achieve quantitative targets linked to one of our materiality initiatives “contributing to decarbonization through products” and to promote the development and spread of new products that contribute to the environment in terms of contributing to the environment through products.


Three-year targets (FY2024 goals)

Results of FY2022

Reduction of environmental impact in business activities

Promote activities for reducing environmental impact by improving energy efficiency and implementing renewable energy for achiving carbon neutrality in operations by FY2040.

As belows


Greenhouse Gases
(Scope1, 2)

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Reduce by 11.6% from FY2021


Renewable electricity

Consume renewable electricity by 30% of total electricity consumption



Electricity consumption

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Reduce by 8.7% from FY2021


Water Withdrawal

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Reduce by 12.7% from FY2021


Amount of waste, valuables, generated

Reduce by 3% on an intensity basis compared with FY2021

Reduce by 17.4% from FY2021

Contribution to the environment through products

Develop eco-friendly products and promote their use

Start to establish environmental impact assessment methods from the perspective of decarbonization.

Reduce CO2 emissions by installing the E-Axle drive motor system for electric vehicles.
Cumulative total from FY2020
FY2025: 11,700,000t-CO2
(A six-year target linked to the ESG materiality)

Amount of CO2 emissions reduction: 253,000 t-CO2.
(Amount of CO2 emissions reduction in FY2021: 155,000 t-CO2)

Reduce CO2 emissions by installing motors for electric power steering.
Cumulative total from FY2020
FY2025: 26,261,000t-CO2
(a six-year target linked to the ESG materiality)

We plan to disclose the amount of CO2 emission reductions in the future.

Environmental management

Implement environmental education at business sites by 100%

We plan to implement in 2023.

Acquire of ISO14001 for 80% or more based on the number of employee


Environmental conservation

Implement biodiversity conservation activities in cooperation with external organizations (forest development, tree planting, etc.).

Implemented 6 biodiversity conservation promotion activities in cooperation with external organizations (forest maintenance, tree-planting, etc.).

Support environmental education at the local community (hold environmental classes for elementary school students, etc.).

Held 13 environmental classes for elementary school students in Japan.

* Intensity units are based on sales for production bases and on the number of employees for non-production bases.

Medium-term Environmental Conservation Plan: Number of Business Sites Covered

We focused on group companies that belonged to the NIDEC Group as of FY2015 since the 5th Plan (FY2016-FY2018) in the Medium-Term Environmental Conservation Plan. We proceed with initiatives in the 7th medium-term plan in the same coverage as following the 6th term (2019-2021). We will proceed to confirm the progress of initiatives and extract excellent examples and share the result to the whole Group by monitoring continually.

Number of business sites covered in the environmental conservation plan







The number of business sites






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