Environmental Management

Promotion System

Promotion System

Based on the "Nidec's Environmental Philosophy", we are promoting activities to reduce environmental impact and prevent global warming in the design, development and production activities of motor products and related parts, which are our business activities. In addition, we set environmental objectives and targets and regularly review the appropriateness of our environmental management system to promote these activities.

First, in FY2021, we identified important issues (materiality) that should be prioritized in order to fulfill our mission of "contributing to the earth with the world's highest performance motors" and continue to expand our corporate value. In order to effectively and reliably address materiality, we have set 15 action themes associated with each materiality area. As for the environment, we have set the materiality of "contributing to a sustainable global environment" and have three goals: "realization of a decarbonized society," "management of waste and hazardous waste," and "response to water risks." As one of the mechanisms for confirming that each activity is being carried out reliably and effectively, we hold regular meetings of the Sustainability Promotion Meeting

Second, since FY2004, we have formulated medium-term plans for environmental conservation activities every three years, and have steadily accumulated activities to reduce environmental impact and prevent global warming. In the Seventh Medium-term Environmental Conservation Plan (FY2022-FY2024), focusing on reducing the environmental impact of our business and contributing to the environment through our products, we are promoting initiatives within four frameworks, including environmental management activities and natural environment conservation activities.

One environmental management of this framework in terms of environmental education, we will promote environmental education at business sites and at the same time, positioning the international standard ISO14001 on the environment as the framework of the environmental management system, centering on research and development and production bases. We are promoting the acquisition and maintenance of ISO14001 certification.

*For the current status of ISO14001 certification, please refer here.

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