Environmental Conservation Activities

Conservation of the Natural Environment

Based on the Nidec Mobility Group's environmental policy and the Nidec Group's biodiversity action guidelines, we are striving to contribute to the preservation of the natural environment through our business activities, along with volunteer activities and monetary donations by employees.

1) Recognize the importance of biodiversity conservation and build an appropriate implementation framework.
2) Consistently assess and reduce our effects on biodiversity.
3) Contribute to global ecosystem protection by supplying environmentally-friendly products.
4) Encourage green supply chain initiatives towards biodiversity conservation at our suppliers.
5) Enhance communication with stakeholders (e.g. shareholders, customers, suppliers, local community, employees,
    etc.) regarding our approach towards biodiversity conservation.
6) Disclose these Biodiversity Action Guidelines to third parties upon request.

Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives

The world's biodiversity is severely affected by climate change. We are working to conserve biodiversity indirectly through our mitigating efforts by providing products that contribute to the fuel economy of automobiles and that contribute to the spread of environmentally friendly vehicles such as EVs by reducing our own greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition, in order to protect the rich natural ecosystems that are close to our working environment, we are working directly to conserve biodiversity by introducing facilities and equipment that take impacts on biodiversity into consideration.

Gifu Butterfly (Luehdorfia japonica) Conservation Activities

Around our Iida Plant, Gifu butterfly (Luehdorfia japonica) a butterfly endemic to Japan live in the nearby underdeveloped woodland. In recent years, the habitat conditions have deteriorated in some parts of the distribution area of the butterfly, and the number has decreased. In consideration of the Gifu butterfly, which is known to be vulnerable to the reflection of sunlight, the exterior of the plant office building has been blackened to improve the environment effect of the building on the Gifu butterfly’s habitat.

Other Conservation Activities in Japan

Our Iida Plant is taking insect repellent measures to protect the ecosystem of insects living in the nearby natural area. Large glass windows are provided in our dining room and a refresh room so employees can enjoy the beauty of the outside scenery as they relax during their breaks. We have applied a film to these windows that cuts the wavelength visible to insects, so that insects can be protected.

Initiatives for Social Contribution Activities

We are participating in activities that can contribute to the local community, such as eco-friendly activities carried out by welfare organizations and recycling activities to local organizations.

Plastic Cap Collection in Mexico

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