Business Activity-based Environmental Burden Reduction

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

As the international community becomes increasingly alarmed by climate change caused by global warming, we acknowledge the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an important issue in order to realize a decarbonized society, and are promoting the use of renewable energy and energy-saving activities throughout the Group.

Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy

We are promoting the use of electricity derived from natural energy that does not emit CO2.
The Group's site in Brazil purchases only electricity from hydroelectric power generation and uses 100% renewable energy. Our sites in Japan and China have implemented in-house solar power generation facilities to make some of the electricity as green energy. As of fiscal 2021, the Group's renewable energy implementation rate was approximately 6.3%.
Currently, we are considering switching purchased electricity to electricity with a low CO2 emission factor and implementing renewable energy using the PPA(*) model, and are working to actively use energy friendly to the global environment.
*PPA (Power Purchase Agreement): Business operators can rent rooftops of facilities and idle land owned by companies and local governments, install renewable energy power generation facilities free of charge, so corporations and municipalities can use the generated electricity at their facilities, thereby reducing electricity charges and CO2 emissions.

In-house solar power generation facilities of the China site

Examples of Energy Conservation

We are actively engaged in energy-saving activities on a global basis according to our medium-term plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to enhance energy-saving results at each global site, we conduct energy-saving diagnosis and guidance by experts within the Environmental Management Department, develop energy-saving human resources, and horizontally deploy successful cases within the Group. The table below introduces examples of energy-saving measures implemented.

Category Energy-Saving Measures Details
Air cooling
Maximum use of free cooling (suspension of centrifugal chiller operation) When producing chilled water used in air conditioning equipment, we switch from centrifugal chillers, which consume a lot of electricity, to free cooling, which consumes less power, in the winter when the outside temperature drops, reducing power consumption by 55% per year. Also, during the intermediate season other than winter, we frequently check the outside temperature and switch the operation when the outside temperature drops below 7°C to utilize free cooling.
Micromanagement of air conditioner operation on holidays Every week, we check the weekend production plan in advance and run the air conditioner to a minimum according to the plan.
 Reduction of air conditioning power consumption by measures to exhaust heat from production facilities.  For equipment that has exhaust heat, such as reflow ovens and solder bathes, heat is exhausted to the outside of the room with ducts and heat insulating material is attached to the top plate of the equipment to suppress the indoor temperature rise and reduce the power consumption of air conditioning.
 Lighting  Switching to LED lighting At our five production sites and head office, all fluorescent tubes have been converted to LEDs. 92% of the total has been completed, and the rest are working toward LED conversion.
Overall, 92% has been completed by this and we are working the rest toward LED conversion.  
 Reduction of the number of lights  We have reduced the number of lights used in compliance with laws and regulations for each location and operation.
 Compressor  Managing compressor air leaks  We regularly check for compressor air leaks and repair them. We also take preventive measures such as replacement with parts that are less prone to air leakage.
 Power consumption reduction by reducing the pressure of the air supplied to the manufacturing process  We investigated the air pressure required by all production facilities and set a target value for the pressure to be supplied. Air boosters are installed in equipment with higher pressure requirements than the target values to meet specifications. As a result, the overall supply pressure was reduced.
 Production equipment  Reduction of power consumption through thermal insulation measures for production equipment  Heat insulation is attached to the top plate of the heat-source equipment to prevent heat from escaping and reduce the electric power for heating

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