Environmental Conservation Activities

Business Activity-based Environmental Burden Reduction

Our company is working to better understand and reduce the significant environmental impacts of its business activities as a group, and is prioritizing the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2), electrical energy consumption, water use, and waste generation. We aim to reduce the total amount of these environmental impacts based on the Nidec Group's Seventh mid-term plan.

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is an important issue, we are working on energy conservation activities and the utilization of renewable energy as global environmental activities.

Waste Management

We are working to reduce the amount of final disposal by reducing the generation of waste and thoroughly sorting waste.

Water Management

We are working to reduce the amount of water used and make the most effective use of water by reusing, or recycling it at our business sites.

Chemical Substance Management

In accordance with laws and regulations, we are managing the use and storage of chemical substances, plan for leak prevention and disaster response, and are working to reduce use and emissions.

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