We have added the product lineup for sale on Amazon's US site!
Additional models can be found in "NEW LINEUP" in the store!

This time, we have added 4 models of fan motor and 10 models of geared motor.
We will continue to expand this service in the future.

〈Fan Motor〉

Our fan motors are ultra-compact, quiet, low-vibration, and have high airflow 
through unique improvements to the blade shape and frame structure.
It is installed in many products such as car navigation systems and video equipment.


You can check the specifications of standard fan motors, including the 4 models above, here.
You can also download the catalog, so please take a look.

〈Geared Motor〉

This is the smallest motor in the Nidec group, and when combined with gears, it achieves compactness, high torque, and quietness.
Used in a wide range of applications, from the medical field, which requires a high level of quality, to smart locks, which require compactness and power savings.


You can check the specifications of standard geared motors, including the 10 models listed above, here.
You can also download the catalog, so please take a look.


Nidec Precision Amazon US Site Store



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