Since our establishment in 1949, we have been a leading manufacturer of camera shutters, growing with the Japanese camera industry as a world leader. Atthe same time, we have diversified our business to become a comprehensive manufacturer of "precision equipment" ranging from micro-components to system equipment.
In line with the Nidec Group's decision to unify the brand and company name to "Nidec" from "Nihon Densan", we are changing our company name from"Nidec Copal Corporation" to "Nidec Precision Corporation" to bear the brand name of the Nidec Group.
We aim to extend the "precision" manufacturing technology that we have cultivated in the camera industry since our founding to various industries worldwide.
We are striving to create new value to meet our customers' needs for miniaturization and lightweighting, thereby contributing to society.
Focusing on providing our customers with "useful" and "satisfying" technology and products through our "precision" manufacturing, we will concentrate all our corporate activities to become our customers' "true business partner".
We look forward to your continued support and ask for your expectations for our new challenges in the future.
Representative Director, President
Takehiko Kumagai
Representative Director, President Takehiko Kumagai