Company Information
Business Summary
NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's product lineup includes micro motors, stepping motors and a variety of other motors, as well as card readers, industrial robots and a broad array of other equipment. These produsts are successful in the rapidly advancing IT and multimedia domains, business and consumer applications, and in awide range of industrial applications.NIDEC INSTRUMENTS contributes to the creation of value by offering core parts of the highest quality and functionality for cutting adge devices.

Motors, Motor Drive Units
Core products forming the heart of''things that spin and move''
motor are NIDEC group Core products forming the herat of ''things that spin and move''.Vriety motors from Compact Small-Bore Motors to Servo Motors that power supply Industrial Robots,NIDEC INSTRUMENTS responds customer needs.
Motor Drive Units
Providing market-leading products through pioneering development
It all began with motors and musical movements. The gave riseto a fusion of mechanical and windup(''Karakuri'') technologies.NIDEC INSTRUMENTS product family exploiting this ''Karakuri-Tronics'' technology is used in home equipment and electrical appliances all over the world, helping with ''convenient and comfortable'' daily living.

Card Readers
Card-handing technology proven by the global top share
About 40 years lasting producr developments realized the Market Share No,1 in the field to Card Reader.Finance and related marketd demand high security and obust durability.NIDEC INSTRUMENTS has moved forward with applying and expanding technology honed in those markets into transport, logisticts, and other new fields.

Industrial Robots
Realizing fast and stable handing of glass substrates and wafers
Stable handing is realized through the NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's servo motors, made with high-level control technology, combined withoptimal design that suppresses vibration to the utmost level.NIDEC INSTRUMENTS has also developed industrial robots that can be used in severe environments such as clean rooms,vacuums,and high temperatures.

Plastic Molded products
With integrated broad technologies form mold design,injection molding, to unit products/optical lenses,NIDEC INSTRUMENTS actively supports the customer's sucoessful new product releases.
NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's plastic parts has the competitive power supporting bu the high die manufacturing technology expands in the variety markets such as, OA・IT, Automobile, Medical and Home equipments.Die desing, die production and decorating of plastic parts and so forth all are in house.Sanko roposes high precision and quality plastic parts.

Sensors・Precision Ballscrews
NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's Sensors meet the customer needs by its their own high sensitivity and reliability.
Unit products and system equipment with motors as core components are evolving into high-reliability,high valu added products in step with sensing technologies are supporting competitivenss of motor-application products.
Precision Ballscrews
Realize linear motion positioning with accuracy
NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's Ball Screws are used extensively in the industrial instruments.they meet the needs of high accuracy required in mechanical actions.

Musical movements/Music Box
Delightful musical tones sparking all kinds of dreams
Musical movements were NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's original business.Today the company still keeps up a rich range of musical movements, from the high-end ORPHEUS to 18-note regular models used in character goods.