Company Information
Nidec GPM GmbH
This page shows , business outlook, management philosophy, vision and various other information on Nidec GPM.

Company Profile
Find the location, capital, and other basic company information.

Business development
We have consistently pursued a strategy of organic growth. Today, around 1,300 employees are involved in this mission. With five locations on four continents, we complement the worldwide network of the NIDEC Corporation and act as a technology manufacturer in the automotive sector.

This page shows the Nidec Group's basic compliance philosophy and code of conduct.

Corporate Philosophy
This page shows the Nidec Group's corporate philosophy.

Corporate Slogan
This is the Nidec Group's slogan for business activities:

Our history begins in 1939, when the foundation stone for future-orientated systems for engine cooling and lubrication was laid with the establishment of the company. At that time, the company was called "Karl Schmidt Precision Aircraft Parts." Since then, the former family firm has been enthusiastically applying technical innovations. That tradition of setting new standards continues to this day.