- Contact:
- Masahiro Nagayasu
- General Manager
- Investor Relations
- +81-75-935-6140
- ir@nidec.com
Released on August 1, 2023, in Kyoto, Japan
As explained in the press release issued on July 13, 2023, Nidec Corporation (the “Company”) decided, as part of a series of transactions (the “Transaction”) aimed at making Takisawa Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (“Takisawa”), a company listed on the Standard Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, to acquire common shares of Takisawa through a tender offer, and, on the same date, submitted to Takisawa a letter of intent stating the Company’s detailed proposal regarding the Transaction. Today, in relation to the aforementioned matter, the Company has answered a list of required information from Takisawa, which received on July 28th, 2023
The Company will sincerely provide necessary information for Takisawa to announce its opinion on September 13, 2023 in a timely manner.